Software Links

Software Tip Book
Setting the UCS icon to remain in a fixed location in AutoCad
Toggle 'Ortho Mode' on and off in AutoCad
Creating Text in a Circular Path in AutoCad
Flatten a drawing in AutoCAD or AutoCAD LT
Copy and paste from AutoCad without background color to other programs
Shortcut to Snap settings in AutoCad
Removing an Object from a Selection Set in AutoCad
Toggle between paper space and model space in AutoCAD
Switch between multiple drawings in AutoCad
Tired of typing the whole command in AutoCad??
Excel 2000
Maximum charts linked to an Excel worksheet
Show all Excel chart information without a legend
Incorporate your Excel chart into a standard worksheet
Chart non-adjacent data in Excel
Show exactly what each Excel chart section represents
Maximum points in a data series for an Excel 2D chart
Show the data beneath the Excel chart
Swap between Rows and Columns in Excel
Add titles to your chart in Excel
Rename your chart tab in Excel
Maximum Excel worksheets referred to by a chart
How can I modify an Excel chart once I've created it?
Maximum line weights in an Excel chart
Make a chart easy to print in Excel
Positioning the chart legend in Excel
Maximum data points per data series in a 3D Excel chart
Maximum data points for all data series in one chart
Formatting your chart in Excel
See what your Excel data will look like
Maximum line styles in an Excel chart
Creating a chart with a single click in Excel
Get creative with charts in Excel
Maximum data series in one Excel chart
Adding gridlines to your chart in Excel
Avoid pies with everything in Excel
Change the data a chart is based on in Excel
Setting the default chart in Excel
Creating a user-defined custom chart in Excel
Converting seconds into hours, minutes and seconds in Excel
Convert hours into hours, minutes and seconds in Excel
Latest date allowed for calculation in Excel
Largest amount of time which can be entered in Excel
Converting hours and minutes into minutes in Excel
Convert minutes into hours, minutes and seconds in Excel
Earliest date allowed for calculation in Excel
Automatically extend a series in Excel
Save time on data entry in Excel
Enter more than one line of text in an Excel cell
Extending numerical sequences in Excel
Use Excel's Custom Lists feature
Copy a date across a number of cells in Excel
Quickly format a table in Excel
Re-order the worksheets in an Excel workbook
Automatically format based on the value in an Excel cell
View more than one Excel worksheet at once
Don't change the default alignments in Excel
Modifying AutoFormat in Excel
Quickly apply a standard date format in Excel
Save time when formatting in Excel
Adjust column widths in Excel
Apply a standard time format in Excel
Display Range names directly in the Excel worksheet
Copy styles from another Excel workbook
Uses for the F7 key in Excel
Uses for the F8 key in Excel
Uses for the F10 key in Excel
Uses for the F11 key in Excel
Uses for the F12 key in Excel
Uses for the F9 key in Excel
Uses for the F6 key in Excel
Uses for the F1 key in Excel
Uses for the F5 key in Excel
Uses for the F4 key in Excel
Uses for the F3 key in Excel
Uses for the F2 Key in Excel
Insert todays date quickly in Excel
Quickly copy an Excel worksheet
Insert the current time quickly in Excel
Insert a hyperlink in Excel
Insert a new column in Excel
Insert a new worksheet in Excel
Inserting comments in Excel
Delete a column in Excel
Excel's ADDRESS function - What does it do?
Move quickly to a specific worksheet in Excel
Go to the last cell in your Excel table
Go to the last cell in your Excel table (reliably)
Move to the end of a column of Excel data with the keyboard
Go to the first cell in your Excel worksheet (A1)
Move to the next open Excel workbook
Moving to the end of a row of data in Excel
Moving to the end of a column of data in Excel
Move to the end of a row with the mouse in Excel
Scrolling through Excel worksheets
Moving to the next worksheet in your Excel workbook
Maximum number of pivot tables on an Excel sheet
Maximum items in an Excel pivot table report?
Maximum page fields in an Excel pivot table report
Maximum number of data fields in an Excel pivot table report
Maximum number of calculated items in an Excel pivot table report
Maximum row or column fields in an Excel pivot table report
Select sequential Excel worksheets
Drag and drop to move cells in Excel
Selecting non-adjacent Excel columns
Select the data in an Excel column with the mouse
Select the data in an Excel column with the keyboard
Drag and drop and copy in Excel without overwriting existing cells
Select all data in an Excel table
Select an entire Excel worksheet
Selecting an entire Excel row with the keyboard
Select an entire Excel column with the keyboard
Drag and drop and copy in Excel
Selecting seqential Excel columns
Maximum arguments in an Excel function
Maximum levels of nesting in an Excel function
Maximum days that Excel change history is maintained
Maximum linked sheets
Maximum number of scenarios
Maximum number of changing cells in an Excel scenario
Maximum number of adjustable cells in Excel's solver tool
Maximum custom functions in an Excel workbook
Smallest font size in Excel
Maximum number of custom number formats in an Excel workbook
Maximum number fo range names in an Excel workbook
Maximum number of windows I can use to display an Excel workbook
Largest allowed positive number in Excel
Smallest allowed negative number in Excel
Smallest allowed positive number in Excel
Maximum formula length
Maximum iterations in Excel
Number of worksheet functions
Maximum width of an Excel cell
Largest font size in Excel
Zoom range in Excel
Levels of undo available in Excel
Maximum fields in a data form
Number of named views in an Excel workbook
Maximum custom toolbar buttons in Excel
What number precision does Excel work to
Maximum panes in a window in Excel
How many Excel workbooks can I open at the same time?
Columns in an Excel worksheet
Rows in an Excel worksheet
Cells in an Excel worksheet
Worksheets in a workbook
Maximum length of text in a cell
How many colours can I use in an Excel workbook?
Maximum height of an Excel row
Maximum custom toolbars in an Excel workbook
Maximum styles in an Excel workbook
Maximum unique items which can be displayed by AutoFilter in Excel
Maximum custom functions in an Excel workbook
Largest allowed negative number in Excel
Maximum number who can share an Excel workbook at once
Excel's T function - What does it do?
Excel's SEARCH function - What does it do?
Excel's SUBSTITUTE function - What does it do?
Excel's CONCATENATE function - what does it do?
Excel's EXACT function - What does it do?
Excel's PROPER function - What does it do?
Excel's REPLACE function - What does it do?
Excel's TEXT function - What does it do?
Excel's FIXED function - What does it do?
Excel's LEN function - What does it do?
Excel's LEFT function - What does it do?
Excel's VALUE function - What does it do?
Excel's DOLLAR function - what does it do?
Excel's UPPER function - What does it do?
Excel's CHAR function - What does it do?
Excel's TRIM function - What does it do?
Excel's CLEAN function - What does it do?
Excel's CODE function - What does it do?
Excel's FIND function - What does it do?
Excel's MID function - What does it do?
Excel's REPT function - What does it do?
Excel's LOWER function - What does it do?
Excel's RIGHT function - What does it do?
Let Excel know you're entering a formula
Quick AutoSum in Excel
Paste a range name into an Excel formula
Quickly adding numbers in Excel
Alternate between showing cell values and cell formulas in Excel
Making an Excel cell reference absolute
Activate AutoSum from the keyboard in Excel
Activate the formula palette from the keyboard in Excel
Activate the Paste Function tool from the keyboard in Excel
Help with Excel formulas
The Excel fill handle can be dragged up and left too!
Edit the active cell using the keyboard in Excel
Excel 97
Add titles to your chart in Excel
Formatting your Excel chart
Positioning the chart legend in Excel
How can I modify an Excel chart once I've created it?
Get creative with Excel charts
Creating a user-defined custom chart in Excel
Rename your chart tab in Excel
Chart non-adjacent data in Excel
Show the data beneath the Excel chart
Creating an Excel chart in a single click
Adding gridlines to your Excel chart
Incorporate your Excel chart into a standard worksheet
Make an Excel chart easy to print
Change the data an Excel chart is based on
Show all Excel chart information without a legend
Show exactly what each chart section represents in Excel
Avoid pies with everything in Excel
Setting the default Excel chart
Swap between Rows and Series in an Excel chart
See what your data will look like in an Excel chart
Convert hours into hours, minutes and seconds in Excel
Convert minutes into hours, minutes and seconds in Excel
Converting seconds into hours, minutes and seconds in Excel
Converting hours and minutes into minutes in Excel
Automatically extend a series in Excel
Enter more than one line of text in an Excel cell
Extending numerical sequences in Excel
Save time on data entry in Excel
Automatically format based on the value in an Excel cell
Adjust Excel column widths
Display Range names directly in the Excel worksheet
Save time when formatting in Excel
Re-order the worksheets in an Excel workbook
View more than one Excel worksheet at once
Copy styles from another Excel workbook
Modifying AutoFormat in Excel
Don't change the default alignments in Excel
Apply a standard time format in Excel
Quickly apply currency formatting in Excel
Quickly apply a standard date format in Excel
Quickly format a table in Excel
Uses for the F11 key in Excel
Uses for the F9 key in Excel
Uses for the F8 key in Excel
Uses for the F12 key in Excel
Uses for the F6 key in Excel
Uses for the F10 key in Excel
Uses for the F1 key in Excel
Uses for the F7 key in Excel
Uses for the F5 key in Excel
Uses for the F4 key in Excel
Uses for the F3 key in Excel
Uses for the F2 Key in Excel
Insert a hyperlink in Excel
Insert a new Excel worksheet
Insert the current time quickly in Excel
Insert todays date quickly in Excel
Delete an Excel column
Inserting comments in Excel
Insert an Excel column
Quickly copy an Excel worksheet
Excel's ADDRESS function - What does it do?
Goto commands in Excel
Move quickly to a specific Excel worksheet
Go to the last cell in your table in Excel
Go to the first cell in your Excel worksheet (A1)
Moving to the end of a row in Excel
Moving to the end of a column of data in Excel
Move to the end of an Excel row with the mouse
Scrolling through Excel worksheets
Select the data in a column with the mouse in Excel
Selecting an entire row with the keyboard in Excel
Selecting non-adjacent columns in Excel
Select an entire Excel worksheet
Select all data in an Excel table
Select an entire column with the keyboard in Excel
Drag and drop to move cells in Excel
Selecting seqential columns in Excel
Drag and drop and copy in Excel
Select the data in a column with the keyboard in Excel
Drag and drop and copy in Excel without overwriting existing cells
Excel's RIGHT function - What does it do?
Excel's SEARCH function - What does it do?
Excel's LEFT function - What does it do?
Excel's LEN function - What does it do?
Excel's REPT function - What does it do?
Excel's CHAR function - What does it do?
Excel's CONCATENATE function - what does it do?
Excel's DOLLAR function - what does it do?
Excel's EXACT function - What does it do?
Excel's ADDRESS function - What does it do?
Excel's SUBSTITUTE function - What does it do?
Excel's TEXT function - What does it do?
Excel's TRIM function - What does it do?
Excel's FIXED function - What does it do?
Excel's CLEAN function - What does it do?
Excel's T function - What does it do?
Excel's UPPER function - What does it do?
Excel's REPLACE function - What does it do?
Excel's LOWER function - What does it do?
Excel's MID function - What does it do?
Excel's PROPER function - What does it do?
Excel's FIND function - What does it do?
Excel's VALUE function - What does it do?
Excel's CODE function - What does it do?
Quickly adding numbers in Excel
The Excel fill handle can be dragged up and left too!
Alternate between showing cell values and cell formulas in Excel
Making an Excel cell reference absolute
Paste a range name into an Excel formula
Help with formulas in Excel
Converting hours and minutes into minutes in Excel
Edit the active cell using the keyboard in Excel
Activate the formula palette from the keyboard in Excel
Activate AutoSum from the keyboard in Excel
Activate the Paste Function tool from the keyboard in Excel
Let Excel know you're entering a formula
Quick AutoSum in Excel
How To Use This Site
How to use this site
Internet Explorer
Maximise the available screen space in Internet Explorer
Instant refreshment in Internet Explorer
Display help in Internet Explorer
Remove headers and footers when printing in Internet Explorer
Internet Explorer Header and footer codes explained
Print the time in the footer in Internet Explorer
How do they do that?
Change the size of the text in your browser in IE
Changing text size in IE using an Intellimouse
Speed up the typing of web addresses in Internet Explorer
Display the shortcut menu for a link in Internet Explorer
Detailed 'Back' lists in Internet Explorer
Move to the beginning of a page in Internet Explorer
Go to the previous page (back) in Internet Explorer
Find specific text on a page in Internet Explorer
Scroll towards the end of a page in Internet Explorer
Scroll towards the beginning of a page in Internet Explorer in large steps
Move to the end of a page in Internet Explorer
Navigate through the items on a web page in Internet Explorer
Go to your home page in Internet Explorer
Go to the next page in Internet Explorer
Open a link in a new window in Internet Explorer (2)
Revisit a site which you forgot to bookmark in Internet Explorer
Quick navigation tips in Internet Explorer
Move back and forward around sites you've visited in Internet Explorer
Activate the Find dialog box in Internet Explorer
Scroll towards the end of a page in Internet Explorer in large steps
Save repeated Back presses in Internet Explorer
Activate the History bar in Internet Explorer
Quick Back Button in Internet Explorer
Wipe the record of sites that I've visited in Internet Explorer
Open a link in a new window in Internet Explorer
Open a new window quickly in Internet Explorer
Activate the favourites bar in Internet Explorer
Scroll towards the beginning of a page in Internet Explorer
Zoom out in Print Preview in Internet Explorer
Reduce the size of the toolbar icons in Internet Explorer
Instantly change your home page in Internet Explorer
Add an Address Bar to your TaskBar in Internet Explorer
Send a link to a colleague or friend in Internet Explorer
Show the previous page to be printed when in Print Preview in Internet Explorer
Close print preview in Internet Explorer
Set print options and print the page in Internet Explorer
Show the next page to be printed when in Print Preview in Internet Explorer
Activate Print Preview in Internet Explorer
Display a list of zoom percentages when in Print Preview in Internet Explorer
Zoom in Print Preview in Internet Explorer
Activate page setup from within Print Preview in Internet Explorer
Show the first page to be printed in Print Preview in Internet Explorer
Specify the number of the page you want to see in Print Preview in Internet Explorer
Show the last page to be printed in Print Preview in Internet Explorer
Activate the search bar in Internet Explorer
Searching for a phrase rather than a word in Internet Explorer
Activate the selected link in Internet Explorer
Stop downloading a page in Internet Explorer
Save the current web page in Internet Explorer
Refresh your web page in Internet Explorer
Print the current page or active frame in Internet Explorer
Add the current site to your favourites in Internet Explorer
Open the Organize Favorites dialog box in Internet Explorer
Switch to the monthly view in Outlook (97/98/2000/XP)
View one day at a time in Outlook (97/98/2000/XP)
View 10 days at once in Outlook (97/98/2000/XP)
View 2-9 days at once in Outlook (97/98/2000/XP)
Go to the same day in the previous week in Outlook (97/98/2000/XP)
Show three days at once in Outlook (97/98/2000/XP)
What is an event in Outlook (97/98/2000/XP)
What is an appointment in Outlook (97/98/2000/XP)
Go to today quickly in Outlook (97/98/2000/XP)
Go to the first day of the current week in Outlook (97/98/2000/XP)
Go to the last day of the current week in Outlook (97/98/2000/XP)
Go to the same day in the next week in Outlook (97/98/2000/XP)
Go to the last day of the current month in Outlook (97/98/2000/XP)
What is a meeting in Outlook (97/98/2000/XP)
Select non-adjacent days in Outlook (97/98/2000/XP)
Switch to the weekly view in Outlook (97/98/2000/XP)
Go to the first day of the current month in Outlook (97/98/2000/XP)
Make your contacts available through the address book in Outlook (97/98/2000/XP)
Email a contact in Outlook (97/98/2000/XP)
Add birthdays to your calendar in Outlook (97/98/2000/XP)
Dialling shortcut in Outlook (97/98/2000/XP)
Send a letter to a contact in Outlook (97/98/2000/XP)
Assign a task to a contact in Outlook (97/98/2000/XP)
Select all the emails in your inbox in Outlook (97/98/2000/XP)
Send emails quickly in Outlook (97/98/2000/XP)
Mark an email as read in Outlook (97/98/2000/XP)
Mark an email as unread in Outlook (97/98/2000/XP)
Add the contents of a note to an email in Outlook (97/98/2000/XP)
Make Outlook open in a maximised window (97/98/2000/XP)
View the days you want to view in Outlook (97/98/2000/XP)
Speed up access to different views in Outlook (97/98/2000/XP)
Open Print Preview in Outlook (97/98/2000/XP)
Use my contacts through the address book in Outlook (97/98/2000/XP)
What the red wavy line means in the To box in Outlook (97/98/2000/XP)
Accept a task from the keyboard in Outlook (97/98/2000/XP)
PowerPoint 2000
Remove a button from a toolbar in PowerPoint
Show shortcut keys in screen tips in PowerPoint
Reset toolbars in PowerPoint
Using comments in PowerPoint
Make sure your template opens in the right mode in PowerPoint
Shortcut to the Macro dialog box in PowerPoint
Add more than one box to an organisational chart in PowerPoint
Create a self running PowerPoint presentation
Switch to the Slide Show view in PowerPoint
Hiding a slide in PowerPoint
Add a blank slide with the same layout as the active slide in PowerPoint
Move forwards one slide or bullet point in Slide Show view in PowerPoint
White the screen in Slide Show view in PowerPoint
Move to the first slide using the keyboard when in PowerPoint's Slide Show view
Move to the first slide using the mouse when in PowerPoint's Slide Show view
Move backwards one slide or bullet point when in Slide Show view in PowerPoint
Black the screen when in Slide Show view in PowerPoint
Viewing presentations without PowerPoint
Save a presentation in HTML format in PowerPoint
Preview your animation using the slide miniature in PowerPoint
Controlling rotation of shapes in PowerPoint
A shortcut to duplication in PowerPoint
Copy an object with the right mouse button in PowerPoint
PowerPoint 97
Jump out of a slide show at any time in PowerPoint
Hide the mouse pointer and menu button in PowerPoint
Moving backwards in a slide show in PowerPoint
Cropping a picture in PowerPoint
Adding graphics to the Slide Master in PowerPoint
Black the screen during a presentation in PowerPoint
Change the pointer to a pen during a presentation in PowerPoint
Right clicking without a mouse in PowerPoint
Recoloring Clip Art in PowerPoint
Switch between open presentations in PowerPoint
'Hiding' Slide Master graphics in PowerPoint
Create a summary slide automatically in PowerPoint
Use individual PowerPoint slides in other applications
Quickly switch to the slide master in PowerPoint
Change the shape of a textbox in PowerPoint
Turn any autoshape into a text box in PowerPoint
Return to the first slide in a presentation in PowerPoint
Start and stop an automatic slide show in PowerPoint
Jump directly to any slide in a slide show in PowerPoint
Create new slides for each bullet point on an existing slide in PowerPoint
Use PowerPoint's style checker
Change the colour of PowerPoint's pen
Project 2000
Get the Project 2000 Software Development Kit
Project 98
Uses for the F8 key in MS Project?
Uses for the F10 key in MS Project
Uses for the F4 key in MS Project
Uses for the F5 key in MS Project
Uses for the F6 key in MS Project
Uses for the F3 key in Microsoft Project
Uses for the F9 key in MS Project?
Maximum outline levels per file in MS Project
Uses for the F1 key in MS Project
Uses for the F7 key in MS Project
Uses for the F11 key in MS Project
Uses for the F12 key in MS Project
Uses for the F2 key in MS Project
Insert a new task in Project
Shortcut to task information in Project
Adding resources without decreasing the duration of a task in Project
Maximum resource units per assignment
Maximum dependencies per Project file
Maximum predecessors and successors per task in MS Project
Maximum files connected to a MS Project resource pool
Maximum open windows in MS Project
How many base calendars can be created in Project?
Maximum exceptions per Project calendar
Number of rate tables per resource in MS Project
Number of rates per rate table in MS Project
Highest value in a currency field in MS Project
Maximum printable tasks in a Project monthly calendar
Number of tasks per project file in MS Project
Resources per project file in MS Project
Step 2 - Adding your task list in Project
Step 3 - Creating Dependencies in Project
Step 4 - Assigning resources in MS Project
Step 7 - Setting your Baseline in MS Project
Step 5 - Assigning Costs in MS Project
Step 6 - Levelling your plan in MS Project
Step 1 - Set Up Microsoft Project
Reactivate the pointer in Visio
Return to a full page view in an instant in Visio
A zappy zooming tip in Visio
Minimise and maximise using the taskbar in Windows
Use Full Screen with Windows Explorer
Word 2000
4. Learn to use styles in MS Word
1. Listen to the voice in MS Word!
2. Navigation techniques in MS Word
3. Selection is the key in MS Word
Increase font sizes with the keyboard in MS Word
What formatting has been applied in MS Word?
Insert a page break quickly in MS Word
Activate the format painter with the keyboard in MS Word
Learn to use styles in MS Word
Improve the clarity of your text in MS Word
Navigating using a table of contents in MS Word
Restore the normal template in MS Word
Open your last document with Word
Speed up boot time
Making Word prompt you for Properties
Pick up where you left off in MS Word
Go to the last place you were working in MS Word
Move around a document one word at a time
Move to the end of your Word document
Move around a Word document one paragraph at a time
Activate the Go To menu in MS Word
Move to the beginning of your Word document
Selecting a paragraph with the mouse in MS Word
Select a whole table in MS Word
Select all text in a document in MS Word
Right click without a mouse in MS Word
Select a word with the keyboard in MS Word
Sort outside of tables in MS Word
Select a line of text with the keyboard in MS Word
Selecting a line of text with the mouse in MS Word
Selecting a word with the mouse in MS Word
Apply a style to selected text in MS Word
Apply a style to the current paragraph in MS Word
View the full style list in MS Word
Apply the Normal style to the active paragraph in MS Word
Major benefits of using styles in MS Word
Apply a Heading style to the active paragraph with the keyboard in MS Word
What does automatically update mean in MS Word
What is a style in MS Word?
Use Format, Style to modify a style in MS Word
What does Add To Template mean in MS Word
Make changes throughout your document in seconds in MS Word
Modify a style in MS Word
AutoFit a word table
Bring up the Cell Height and Width dialog box in MS Word
Set AutoFormat Options in MS Word
What does Word's AutoCorrect feature do?
Add AutoCorrect entries via the spellchecker in MS Word
AutoFormat works in MS Word
How can I add something to the AutoCorrect list in MS Word?
Word 97
4. Learn to use styles in MS Word
3. Selection is the key in MS Word
1. Listen to the voice in MS Word!
2. Navigation techniques in MS Word
Format selected text as Small Caps in MS Word
Increase the font size in large steps with the keyboard in MS Word
Insert a page break with the keyboard in MS Word
Use both portrait and landscape within the same Word document
Italicise your text easily in MS Word
Make your text bold in MS Word
Increase font sizes with the keyboard in MS Word
Insert a page break with the mouse in MS Word
Bring up the Format Font dialog box in MS Word
Change the case of selected text in MS Word
Apply subscript formatting to the selected text in MS Word
Remove manual character formatting in MS Word
Review text formatting in MS Word
Different types of underline in MS Word
Underlining in MS Word
Apply the Symbol font to the selected text in MS Word
Underline words but not spaces in MS Word
Apply superscript formatting to the selected text in MS Word
Toggle between upper and lower case in MS Word
Apply a double underline to the selected text in MS Word
Apply a hidden text format to the selected text in MS Word
Drawing perfect shapes in MS Word
How can I draw lots of shapes in one go in MS Word?
Modify multiple shapes in MS Word
Selecting multiple shapes in MS Word
Start drawing from the centre of a shape in MS Word
Use styles to format your document in MS Word
Easy table of contents in MS Word
Automatically mark index entries in MS Word
Jump to the last place you worked in MS Word
Rearrange a document in MS Word
Use spaces when inserting Merge fields in MS Word
Merge to an email in MS Word
Make sure you use the first sheet with MS Word
Use the mail merge helper in MS Word
Use the Outlook Address Book when mail merging in MS Word
Go to the last place you were working in MS Word
Move around a Word document one paragraph at a time
Move to the beginning of your Word document
Move to the end of your Word document
Move around a Word document one word at a time
Activate the Browse selector in MS Word
Activate the Go To menu in MS Word
Continuing numbering in Word
Apply 12 points of paragraph spacing before the active paragraph in MS Word
Right align a paragraph from the keyboard in MS Word
Set double line spacing from the keyboard in MS Word
What is a paragraph in MS Word?
Justify the alignment of a paragraph from the keyboard in MS Word
Apply a left indent from the keyboard in MS Word
Reduce a hanging indent from the keyboard in MS Word
Review text formatting in MS Word
Remove paragraph formatting in MS Word
Set line spacing to single from the keyboard in MS Word
Centre a paragraph from the keyboard in MS Word
Left align a paragraph from the keyboard in MS Word
Reduce a left indent from the keyboard in MS Word
What is Paragraph Formatting in MS Word?
Set 1.5 line spacing from the keyboard in MS Word
Apply a hanging indent from the keyboard in MS Word
Save your document for the first time in MS Word
Save all open documents in MS Word
Save changes to a document in MS Word
Select a word with the mouse in MS Word
Select a paragraph with the keyboard in MS Word
Select a rectangle of text within a paragraph or document in MS Word
Select a whole table in MS Word
Select an entire document with the mouse in MS Word
Select a word with the keyboard in MS Word
Select a line of text with the keyboard in MS Word
Select a sentence in MS Word
Selecting a sentence in MS Word
Select a line of text with the mouse in MS Word
Select a paragraph with the mouse in MS Word
Select all text in a document in MS Word
Insert a nonbreaking space in MS Word
Insert a registered trademark symbol in MS Word
Insert an Ellipsis in MS Word
Insert a nonbreaking hyphen in MS Word
Insert a line break in MS Word
Insert a copyright symbol in MS Word
Insert an optional hyphen in MS Word
Insert a field in MS Word
Insert a page break in MS Word
Insert a trademark symbol in MS Word
Insert a Column Break in MS Word
Modify a style in MS Word
Apply a Heading 1 style in MS Word
Apply a style to selected text in MS Word
What does automatically update mean in MS Word
What does Add To Template mean in MS Word
View the full style list in MS Word
Make changes throughout your document in seconds in MS Word
<b>Major benefits of using styles in MS Word</b>
Apply a Heading style to the active paragraph with the keyboard in MS Word
Apply a style to the current paragraph in MS Word
Use Format, Style to modify a style in MS Word
Apply the Normal style to the active paragraph in MS Word
Apply a Heading 2 style in MS Word
Apply a List style in MS Word
Apply a Heading 3 style in MS Word
What is a style in MS Word?
Insert rows in MS Word
Move around in a table in MS Word
Draw your own tables in MS Word
Use the tables and borders toolbar in MS Word
Insert rows or columns in MS Word
Select an entire table in MS Word
Reorganise the rows in your table in MS Word
Start AutoFormat from the keyboard in MS Word
What does Word's AutoCorrect feature do?
AutoFormat works in MS Word
Set AutoFormat Options in MS Word
How can I add something to the AutoCorrect list in MS Word?
Add AutoCorrect entries via the spellchecker in MS Word
Recoloring clip art in Word
Use Fill Effects with clip art in MS Word
Editing Clip Art in MS Word
Multiple level ungrouping in MS Word
Click away before you try to select in MS Word
Making Word prompt you for Properties
Navigating using a table of contents in MS Word
Open your last document with Word
Enter some dummy text fast in MS Word
Undo the last action in MS Word
Split a Word document
Redo your last action in MS Word
Activate the Find dialog box in MS Word
Activate the Replace dialog box in MS Word
Restore the normal template in MS Word
Close all open documents in MS Word
Quit Word
Create a new document in MS Word
Show or hide hidden characters in MS Word
Speed up boot time
Repeat the last find in MS Word
Software Newsletter Archive
Make changes throughout your document in seconds in MS Word
Modify a style in MS Word
Use Format, Style to modify a style in MS Word
What does Add To Template mean in MS Word
What does automatically update mean in MS Word
What is a style in MS Word?
Draw your own tables in MS Word
Reorganise the rows in your table in MS Word
Add AutoCorrect entries via the spellchecker in MS Word
AutoFormat works in MS Word
How can I add something to the AutoCorrect list in MS Word?
Editing Clip Art in MS Word
Multiple level ungrouping in MS Word
Enter some dummy text fast in MS Word
Restore the normal template in MS Word
Show or hide hidden characters in MS Word
Worksheets in a workbook
Uses for the F2 key in MS Project
Uses for the F4 key in MS Project
Show three days at once in Outlook (97/98/2000/XP)
What is a meeting in Outlook (97/98/2000/XP)
What is an appointment in Outlook (97/98/2000/XP)
What is an event in Outlook (97/98/2000/XP)
Add birthdays to your calendar in Outlook (97/98/2000/XP)
Make your contacts available through the address book in Outlook (97/98/2000/XP)
Mark an email as unread in Outlook (97/98/2000/XP)
Speed up access to different views in Outlook (97/98/2000/XP)
Use my contacts through the address book in Outlook (97/98/2000/XP)
View the days you want to view in Outlook (97/98/2000/XP)
What the red wavy line means in the To box in Outlook (97/98/2000/XP)
How to use this site
3. Selection is the key in MS Word
Bring up the Format Font dialog box in MS Word
Continuing numbering in Word
Flatten a drawing in AutoCAD or AutoCAD LT
Setting the UCS icon to remain in a fixed location in AutoCad
Copy and paste from AutoCad without background color to other programs
Tired of typing the whole command in AutoCad??
Creating Text in a Circular Path in AutoCad
Shortcut to Snap settings in AutoCad
Open your last document with Word
Use individual PowerPoint slides in other applications
Making Word prompt you for Properties
Making Word prompt you for Properties
Open your last document with Word
Viewing presentations without PowerPoint
Use PowerPoint´s style checker
Using comments in PowerPoint
How do they do that?
Step 1 - Set Up Microsoft Project
Split a Word document
Use Excel´s Custom Lists feature
Avoid pies with everything in Excel
Change the data a chart is based on in Excel
Chart non-adjacent data in Excel
Creating a user-defined custom chart in Excel
Get creative with charts in Excel
How can I modify an Excel chart once I´ve created it?
Positioning the chart legend in Excel
Setting the default chart in Excel
Show all Excel chart information without a legend
Show exactly what each Excel chart section represents
Show the data beneath the Excel chart
Copy a date across a number of cells in Excel
Extending numerical sequences in Excel
Save time on data entry in Excel
Automatically format based on the value in an Excel cell
Copy styles from another Excel workbook
Don´t change the default alignments in Excel
Modifying AutoFormat in Excel
Re-order the worksheets in an Excel workbook
Save time when formatting in Excel
View more than one Excel worksheet at once
Insert a new worksheet in Excel
Inserting comments in Excel
Drag and drop and copy in Excel
Drag and drop to move cells in Excel
Convert hours into hours, minutes and seconds in Excel
Convert minutes into hours, minutes and seconds in Excel
Converting hours and minutes into minutes in Excel
Converting seconds into hours, minutes and seconds in Excel
Excel´s CONCATENATE function - what does it do?
Excel´s DOLLAR function - what does it do?
Excel´s FIND function - What does it do?
Alternate between showing cell values and cell formulas in Excel
Help with Excel formulas
Making an Excel cell reference absolute
The Excel fill handle can be dragged up and left too!
Avoid pies with everything in Excel
Change the data an Excel chart is based on
Chart non-adjacent data in Excel
Creating a user-defined custom chart in Excel
Get creative with Excel charts
How can I modify an Excel chart once I´ve created it?
Positioning the chart legend in Excel
Setting the default Excel chart
Show all Excel chart information without a legend
Show exactly what each chart section represents in Excel
Show the data beneath the Excel chart
Convert hours into hours, minutes and seconds in Excel
Convert minutes into hours, minutes and seconds in Excel
Converting hours and minutes into minutes in Excel
Converting seconds into hours, minutes and seconds in Excel
Extending numerical sequences in Excel
Save time on data entry in Excel
Automatically format based on the value in an Excel cell
Copy styles from another Excel workbook
Don´t change the default alignments in Excel
Modifying AutoFormat in Excel
Re-order the worksheets in an Excel workbook
Save time when formatting in Excel
View more than one Excel worksheet at once
Insert a new Excel worksheet
Inserting comments in Excel
Drag and drop and copy in Excel
Drag and drop to move cells in Excel
Excel´s CONCATENATE function - what does it do?
Excel´s DOLLAR function - what does it do?
Excel´s FIND function - What does it do?
Alternate between showing cell values and cell formulas in Excel
Converting hours and minutes into minutes in Excel
Help with formulas in Excel
Making an Excel cell reference absolute
Quickly adding numbers in Excel
The Excel fill handle can be dragged up and left too!
Change the size of the text in your browser in IE
Internet Explorer Header and footer codes explained
Print the time in the footer in Internet Explorer
Remove headers and footers when printing in Internet Explorer
Use Full Screen with Windows Explorer
Find specific text on a page in Internet Explorer
Open a link in a new window in Internet Explorer
Quick Back Button in Internet Explorer
Revisit a site which you forgot to bookmark in Internet Explorer
Speed up the typing of web addresses in Internet Explorer
Add an Address Bar to your TaskBar in Internet Explorer
Instantly change your home page in Internet Explorer
Send a link to a colleague or friend in Internet Explorer
Searching for a phrase rather than a word in Internet Explorer
Reset toolbars in PowerPoint
Black the screen when in Slide Show view in PowerPoint
Move forwards one slide or bullet point in Slide Show view in PowerPoint
White the screen in Slide Show view in PowerPoint
´Hiding´ Slide Master graphics in PowerPoint
Black the screen during a presentation in PowerPoint
Jump directly to any slide in a slide show in PowerPoint
Recoloring Clip Art in PowerPoint
Right clicking without a mouse in PowerPoint
Switch between open presentations in PowerPoint
Adding resources without decreasing the duration of a task in Project
Step 2 - Adding your task list in Project
Step 3 - Creating Dependencies in Project
Step 4 - Assigning resources in MS Project
Step 6 - Levelling your plan in MS Project
Step 7 - Setting your Baseline in MS Project
1. Listen to the voice in MS Word!
2. Navigation techniques in MS Word
4. Learn to use styles in MS Word
Improve the clarity of your text in MS Word
Learn to use styles in MS Word
Restore the normal template in MS Word
Pick up where you left off in MS Word
Go to the last place you were working in MS Word
Selecting a paragraph with the mouse in MS Word
Sort outside of tables in MS Word
Apply a Heading style to the active paragraph with the keyboard in MS Word
Apply a style to selected text in MS Word
Major benefits of using styles in MS Word
Make changes throughout your document in seconds in MS Word
Modify a style in MS Word
Use Format, Style to modify a style in MS Word
What does Add To Template mean in MS Word
What does automatically update mean in MS Word
What is a style in MS Word?
Bring up the Cell Height and Width dialog box in MS Word
Add AutoCorrect entries via the spellchecker in MS Word
AutoFormat works in MS Word
How can I add something to the AutoCorrect list in MS Word?
1. Listen to the voice in MS Word!
2. Navigation techniques in MS Word
3. Selection is the key in MS Word
4. Learn to use styles in MS Word
Apply a hidden text format to the selected text in MS Word
Increase the font size in large steps with the keyboard in MS Word
Selecting multiple shapes in MS Word
Automatically mark index entries in MS Word
Easy table of contents in MS Word
Jump to the last place you worked in MS Word
Merge to an email in MS Word
Activate the Browse selector in MS Word
Go to the last place you were working in MS Word
What is Paragraph Formatting in MS Word?
What is a paragraph in MS Word?
Select a paragraph with the mouse in MS Word
Major benefits of using styles in MS Word
Apply a Heading style to the active paragraph with the keyboard in MS Word
Apply a style to selected text in MS Word
Make changes throughout your document in seconds in MS Word
Modify a style in MS Word
Use Format, Style to modify a style in MS Word
What does Add To Template mean in MS Word
What does automatically update mean in MS Word
What is a style in MS Word?
Draw your own tables in MS Word
Reorganise the rows in your table in MS Word
Add AutoCorrect entries via the spellchecker in MS Word
AutoFormat works in MS Word
How can I add something to the AutoCorrect list in MS Word?
Editing Clip Art in MS Word
Enter some dummy text fast in MS Word
Show or hide hidden characters in MS Word
Worksheets in a workbook
Uses for the F2 key in MS Project
Uses for the F4 key in MS Project
Show three days at once in Outlook (97/98/2000/XP)
What is a meeting in Outlook (97/98/2000/XP)
What is an appointment in Outlook (97/98/2000/XP)
What is an event in Outlook (97/98/2000/XP)
Add birthdays to your calendar in Outlook (97/98/2000/XP)
Make your contacts available through the address book in Outlook (97/98/2000/XP)
Mark an email as unread in Outlook (97/98/2000/XP)
Speed up access to different views in Outlook (97/98/2000/XP)
Use my contacts through the address book in Outlook (97/98/2000/XP)
View the days you want to view in Outlook (97/98/2000/XP)
What the red wavy line means in the To box in Outlook (97/98/2000/XP)
How to use this site
3. Selection is the key in MS Word
Bring up the Format Font dialog box in MS Word
Continuing numbering in Word
Flatten a drawing in AutoCAD or AutoCAD LT
Setting the UCS icon to remain in a fixed location in AutoCad
Copy and paste from AutoCad without background color to other programs
Tired of typing the whole command in AutoCad??
Creating Text in a Circular Path in AutoCad
Shortcut to Snap settings in AutoCad
Software Shortcuts - Internet Explorer
Software Shortcuts - Microsoft Windows
Software Shortcuts - Microsoft Windows
Software Shortcuts - Microsoft Windows
Software Shortcuts - Microsoft Outlook
Software Shortcuts - Microsoft Outlook
Software Shortcuts - Microsoft Excel
Software Shortcuts - Microsoft Word
Software Shortcuts - Microsoft Word
Software Shortcuts - Microsoft PowerPoint
Software Shortcuts - Microsoft Excel
Software Shortcuts - Microsoft Excel
Software Shortcuts - Microsoft Word
Software Shortcuts - Microsoft Word
Software Shortcuts - Microsoft Word
Software Shortcuts - Microsoft Word
Software Shortcuts - Microsoft Word
Software Shortcuts - Microsoft Excel
Software Shortcuts - Microsoft PowerPoint
Software Shortcuts - Microsoft Outlook
Software Shortcuts - Microsoft Excel
Software Shortcuts - Microsoft Word
Software Shortcuts - Microsoft Internet Explorer
Software Shortcuts - Microsoft Office
Software Shortcuts - Microsoft Internet Explorer
Software Shortcuts - Microsoft Outlook
Software Shortcuts
Software Shortcuts - Microsoft Excel
Software Shortcuts - Microsoft PowerPoint
Software Shortcuts - Microsoft Word
Software Shortcuts - Microsoft Word
Software Shortcuts - Microsoft Excel
Software Shortcuts - Microsoft Excel
Software Shortcuts - Microsoft Word
Software Shortcuts - Microsoft Internet Explorer
Software Shortcuts - Microsoft Outlook
Software shortcuts - Microsoft Outlook
Software Shortcuts - Microsoft PowerPoint
Software Shortcuts - Microsoft PowerPoint
Software Shortcuts - Microsoft Excel
Software Shortcuts - Microsoft Word
Software Shortcuts - Microsoft Word
Software shortcuts - Internet Explorer
Software shortcuts - Microsoft PowerPoint
Software Shortcuts - Microsoft Excel
Software Shortcuts - Internet Explorer
Software Shortcuts - Microsoft Excel
Software Shortcuts - Microsoft Outlook
Software Shortcuts - Microsoft Word
Software Shorcuts - Microsoft Excel
Software Shortcuts - Microsoft Word
Software Shortcuts - Internet Explorer
Software Shortcuts - Microsoft PowerPoint
Software Shortcuts - Internet Explorer
Software Shortcuts - Microsoft Word
Software Shortcuts - Microsoft Word
Software Shortcuts - Microsoft Excel
Software Shortcuts - Microsoft PowerPoint
Microsoft Excel Shortcuts
Microsoft Excel Shortcuts
Microsoft Excel Shortcuts
Microsoft Excel Shortcuts
Microsoft Excel Shortcuts
Software Tips Newsletter
Microsoft Word Shortcuts
Microsoft Word Shortcuts
Microsoft Word Shortcuts
Microsoft Word Shortcuts
Microsoft Outlook Shortcuts
Microsoft Outlook Shortcuts
Microsoft Outlook Shortcuts
Microsoft Outlook Shortcuts
Microsoft PowerPoint Shortcuts
Microsoft PowerPoint Shortcuts
Microsoft PowerPoint Shortcuts
Microsoft PowerPoint Shortcuts
Microsoft Excel Shortcuts
Microsoft Excel Shortcuts
Microsoft Excel Shortcuts
Microsoft Excel Shortcuts
Microsoft Word Shortcuts
Microsoft Word Shortcuts
Microsoft Word Shortcuts
Microsoft Word Shortcuts
Microsoft Outlook Shortcuts
Microsoft Outlook Shortcuts
Microsoft Outlook Shortcuts
Microsoft Outlook Shortcuts
Microsoft PowerPoint Shortcuts
Microsoft PowerPoint Shortcuts
Microsoft PowerPoint Shortcuts
Microsoft Excel Shortcuts
Microsoft Excel Shortcuts
Microsoft Excel Shortcuts
Microsoft Excel Shortcuts
Microsoft Word Shortcuts
Microsoft Word Shortcuts
Software-Tips Newsletter, Issue 27: Microsoft Word Shortcuts
Software-Tips Newsletter, Issue 26: Microsoft Word Shortcuts
Software-Tips Newsletter, Issue 25: Microsoft Internet Explorer Productivity Tips
Software-Tips Newsletter, Issue 24: Microsoft Internet Explorer Productivity Tips
Software-Tips Newsletter, Issue 23: Microsoft Internet Explorer Productivity Tips
Software-Tips Newsletter, Issue 22: Microsoft Internet Explorer Productivity Tips
Software-Tips Newsletter, Issue 21: Microsoft Project Productivity Tips
Software-Tips Newsletter, Issue 20: Microsoft Project Productivity Tips
Software-Tips Newsletter, Issue 19: Microsoft Project Productivity Tips
Software-Tips Newsletter, Issue 16: Outlook Productivity Tips
Software-Tips Newsletter, Issue 15: Outlook Productivity Tips
Software-Tips Newsletter, Issue 14: Outlook Productivity Tips
Software-Tips Newsletter, Issue 12: PowerPoint Productivity Tips
Software-Tips Newsletter, Issue 11: PowerPoint Productivity Tips
Software-Tips Newsletter, Issue 10: PowerPoint Productivity Tips
Software-Tips Newsletter, Issue 9: PowerPoint Productivity Tips
Software-Tips Newsletter, Issue 8: Excel Productivity Tips
Software-Tips Newsletter, Issue 5, Excel Productivity Tips
Software-Tips Newsletter, Issue 4, Word Productivity Tips
Software-tips Newsletter, Issue 3: Word Productivity tips
Software-tips Newsletter, Issue 2: Word Productivity tips
Software-tips Newsletter, Issue 1: Word Productivity tips
Software Frequently Asked Questions
Are styles important
How can I select a sentence?
How can I open a link in a new window?
How can I open the Print Preview window
How can I centre a paragraph from the keyboard
What does the red wavy line under the email address mean?
How can I activate AutoSum from the keyboard?
How can I insert a comment into an Excel cell?
How can I format my chart?
How can I remove an object from a selection set in AutoCad?
How can I activate the formula palette?
How can I speed up typing web addresses?
How can I switch between multiple open drawings in AutoCad?
What does the F1 key do?
What does the Concatenate function do?
How can I add titles to my chart?
What does the ADDRESS function do?
How can I move to the end of a row of data?
How can I toggle between paper space and model space in AutoCad?
How can I convert hours and minutes into just minutes?
How can I select all the emails in my inbox
How can I alter a chart after I´ve created it?
What is the best way to send a link to a friend?
Should I learn to move around my word documents efficiently
What does the F3 key do?
How can I apply a standard date format?
How can I applya standard time format?
How can I add things to AutoCorrect?
What´s the quickest way to create a chart?
How can I draw a perfect circle?
Can I automatically apply formatting to cells based on their content?
How can I move to the end of a row or column?
How can I adjust the width of a column?
How can I copy Styles from an existing workbook?
Can I always use pie charts?
How can I get back to the start of my worksheet?
How can I select all the data in my table?
How can I select an entire worksheet?
What does the F11 key do?
How can I add a graphic to every slide?
How can I move to the last place I worked
How can I insert a new column?
How can I add gridlines to my chart?
How do I use the software tips site?
How can I get more than one line of text in a single cell?
Can I save my own custom charts?
How can I convert minutes into Hours, Minutes and Seconds
How can I select all of the data in a column with the keyboard?
How can I increase the font size with the keyboard?
Can I change the default chart type?
How can I quickly enter the current time?
How can I convert hours and minutes into minutes
How do I display more than one worksheet at the same time?
How can I select non-adjacent columns?
What does the F2 key do?
How can I chart non-adjacent data?
How can I get to the last cell in my table?
Can I modify the AutoFormat tool?
How can I delete a column?
What are the benefits of using styles
How can I show the formulas within each cell?
How can I get Excel to extend a numerical sequence?
What does the F7 key do?
Can I add things to AutoCorrect from the spellchecker?
What does the F5 key do?
Can I drag, drop and copy without overwriting existing cells?
How can I speed up data entry in Excel?
Should I change the default alignments in Excel?
How can I show exactly what each chart section represents?
What does the SUBSTITUTE function do?
What does the DOLLAR function do?
How can I display range names on my worksheet?
How can I insert a hyperlink?
How can I modify the formatting of a chart?
How can I see what my data will look like in a chart?
How can I drag, drop and copy in one move?
How can I email a contact
Is selecting text important?
How can I automatically create a summary slide?
How can I show my data in different ways?
What does the F10 key do?
What does the CLEAN function do?
How do I tell Excel I´m entering a formula?
How can I quickly enter todays date?
How can I move to a different worksheet quickly?
How can I activate the paste function tool?
How can I go to the last place that I was working?
What does the TEXT function do?
How can I convert seconds into Horus, Minutes and Seconds
Should I listen to the voice
Whre can I get the Project 2000 Software Developers Kit
How can I speed up the time my system takes to boot?
How can I make my charts easy to print?
What does the F12 key do?
What does the F6 key do?
How can I paste a range name into a formula?
How can I get help with the structure of a formula?
How can I mark an email as unread
How can I apply a heading style with the keyboard
How can I convert minutes into Hours, Minutes and Seconds
How can I automatically extend a series?
How can I move cells with the mouse?
How can I incorporate my chart into another worksheet?
What does the F8 key do?
How can I quickly format a table?
How can I scroll through the worksheets in my workbook?
How can I insert a new task with the keyboard?
What does the CHAR function do?
How can I select an entire table?
How can I restore my original normal template?
What does the F9 key do?
How can I reposition the chart legend?
How can I show the data with my chart?
What does the EXACT function do?
How can I rename the chart tab?
What does the F4 key do?
What does the CODE function do?
How can I quickly add up some numbers?
How do I save time when formatting?
How can I show chart information without a legend?
How can I select sequential columns?
How can I move around a word at a time?
How can I reorder the sheets in my workbook?
What does the TRIM function do?
What does the PROPER function do?
How can I create a new slide for each bullet on an existing slide
How can I hide a slide
What does the REPT function do?
What does the RIGHT function do?
How can I select a line of text using just the keyboard?
What does the LEN function do?
How can I see the full list of styles
How can I quickly zoom in and out?
How can I select a word with the keyboard?
What does the UPPER function do?
How can I select an entire line of text with the mouse?
What does the VALUE function do?
How can I return to a full page view?
How can I select an entire column?
How can I select an entire row?
How can I insert a copy of a worksheet?
How can I apply a double underline to my selected text
What is a Style
How can I apply a style to selected text.
How can I apply a style to the active paragraph
How can I remove character formatting
How can I reactivate the pointer?
How can I quickly add a new slide
How do I make Word ask me for document properties?
How can I edit the active cell with the keyboard?
What does automatically update mean
What does Add To Template mean
How can I make changes throughout my document quickly
How can I modify a style using Format, Style.
What does the T function do?
What does the REPLACE function do?
Can I use autofill to the left and upwards too?
How can I select all of the text in a document?
How can I select a whole paragraph with the mouse?
How can I hide the mouse pointer and menu button?
How can I access my contacts through the address book?
What does the function LOWER do?
What does the MID function do?
How can I quickly make a cell reference absolute?
How can I modify a style
How can I convert hours into hours, minutes and seconds
How can I close all my open word documents at once
What does AutoCorrect do?
How can I speed up the use of AutoSum?
How can I insert a new row into a table
What does the FIND function do?
How can I apply the Normal style to the active paragraph
How can I add a contact´s birthday to the calendar
How can I switch to the monthly view
What does the LEFT function do?
How can I select an entire word with the mouse?
What does the SEARCH function do?
How can I send a letter to a contact
What does the FIXED function do?
How can I black (or white) the screen during my presentation?
How can I minimise the current window?
How can I activate the organize favorites dialog box
How can I continue a numbered list from a previous list?
How can I maximise the Windows Explorer?
How can I access different views quickly?
How can I see the HTML source code of a page?
How can I send an email with the keyboard?
How can I access my contacts through the Address Book
How can I stop my template opening in the Master view.
How do I work with long documents in the best way
How can I remove Slide Master graphics from a single slide?
How can I change the size of text in my browser?
How can I flatten a drawing in AutoCad?
How can I open IE at the page I want?
How can I open outlook in a maximised window?
How can I select sequential worksheets
How can I reset changes I´ve made to a toolbar
What do the header and footer codes mean?
How can I activate the format painter with the keyboard?
How can I change my homepage?
How can I paste from AutoCad without the background colour?
How can I change the case of my selected text
How can I move to the beginning of my Word document
How can I move to the first slide in a presentation in Slide Show view
How can I apply currency formatting
What is the maximum number of items in a pivot table report?
How can I add a comment to a slide
How can I switch between open presentations?
How many tasks can I have per project?
How can I enter a non-breaking space?
Can I choose the days that I view in the Calendar?
How can I ensure consistency within my presentation
How can I duplicate an object with the keyboard.
Do I need to set up Microsoft project before I start?
How can I mark an email as read
What is a style?
How can I convert hours into hours, minutes and seconds
How can I move backwards one slide or bullet point when in Slide Show
How can I move to the first slide in a presentation in Slide Show view
How can I go to the first day of the current month
How can I change the colour of clip art?
How can I jump to a specific slide?
How can I accept a task request quickly
How can I resize a table to fit the data within it?
How can I cretae a new task for a contact
How can I make a search engine search for a whole phrase
How can I jump to the Slide Show view
How can I make my presentation run automatically when it´s opened
Add additional resources to a task without decreasing the duration?
What is the quickest way to refresh the screen?
How can I add the time to a footer?
How can I add text to an Autoshape?
How can I add a site to my favourites
How can I access page setup from within Print Preview
How many predecessors and successors can I have for a task in Project?
How can I print without headers and footers?
How can I right click without a mouse?
Duplicate with the right mouse button
How can I add a table of contents
How can I move to the end of my document?
How can I save PowerPoint slides as Windows Metafiles?
How can I grab some extra screen space?
How many task dependencies can I set within a project file?
What does the F1 key do in MS Project?
How can I activate the Go To dialog box
How can I move forward one slide or bullet point in Slide Show view
How can I convert seconds into Horus, Minutes and Seconds
How can I apply a hidden text format to the selected text
What is the maximum resource units per assignment in MS Project?
How can I cerate text in a circular path in AutoCad?

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Susan Sayour