August 31, 2001, Newsletter Issue #51: Microsoft Excel Shortcuts

Tip of the Week

I`ve been known to go on about the productivity losses which occur when people constantly switch between the keyboard and the mouse.

Some people will swear blind that the only way to work effectively is to use the keyboard constantly. Other people will swear blind that the more you can do with the mouse, the more productive you will be.

To my mind (feeble as it is), true productivity lies somewhere between the two and it depends on what you`re doing at that time. If you are using the mouse, then the most productive tool to use will generally be a mouse tool. If you`re using the keyboard at the time, then the best tool will probably be a keyboard shortcut.

That means that the truly productive user has a number of different techniques available to do each task and will use the most suitable method at that time.

This weeks tip is a keyboard shortcut for an extremely common task which would normally be done with the mouse.................

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