Outlook Tips

Read these 35 Outlook Tips tips to make your life smarter, better, faster and wiser. Each tip is approved by our Editors and created by expert writers so great we call them Gurus. LifeTips is the place to go when you need to know about Software tips and hundreds of other topics.

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How can I send a letter to a contact

Send a letter to a contact in Outlook (97/98/2000/XP)

To send a letter to a contact in Outlook, select the contact and choose New Letter To Contact from the Actions menu.

Microsoft Word will open with the letter wizard open. The details of the contact will have been filled into the recipient info automatically.

What is a meeting

What is a meeting in Outlook (97/98/2000/XP)

To use the calendar effectively in Outlook, it is important that you understand the difference between the three types of 'thing' you can enter into the calendar.

A meeting happens at a particular time and date and involves your time and the time of at least one other person on the same email system.

An internal meeting would be the most common example of a meeting, however it could also be a client meeting if the client shares the same email system.

How do I get back to today?

Go to today quickly in Outlook (97/98/2000/XP)

If you've been navigating your way around the Outlook calendar, it can be difficult to get back to today. Luckily, there's a button designed to do just that.

Click on the Go To Today button (to the left of the 1, 7 and 31 buttons) and you'll be taken straight back to today.

What is an Event

What is an event in Outlook (97/98/2000/XP)

To use the calendar effectively in Outlook, it is important that you understand the difference between the three types of 'thing' you can enter into the calendar.

An Event is something which happens on a particular day, but which doesn't necessarily involve your time.

Common examples of events are birthdays, public holidays and exhibitions.

What is the shortcut for dialling from the contacts folder?

Dialling shortcut in Outlook (97/98/2000/XP)

If you're using your contacts folder in Outlook to dial numbers for you, try this quick dialling shortcut.

Hold down Ctrl and Shift and press D.

How can I select all the emails in my inbox

Select all the emails in your inbox in Outlook (97/98/2000/XP)

To select all the emails in your inbox in Outlook, select one and then hold down the Ctrl key and press A.

How can I open the Print Preview window

Open Print Preview in Outlook (97/98/2000/XP)

To open the Print Preview window in Outlook, hold down the Ctrl key and press the F2 key.

How can I email a contact

Email a contact in Outlook (97/98/2000/XP)

To send an email to a contact in Outlook, drag the contact onto the inbox (in either the folder list or the Outlook bar) and a new email will open with the contacts email address in the TO: box.

If the contact has more than one email address, then each of them will appear in the TO: box.

How can I open outlook in a maximised window?

Make Outlook open in a maximised window (97/98/2000/XP)

To make Outlook open in a maximised window, open Outlook, maximise the window and close outlook.

When you open again, Outlook will be maximised.

How can I access my contacts through the address book?

Use my contacts through the address book in Outlook (97/98/2000/XP)

Do you find it frustrating that you can't get at your contacts through the address book in Outlook? There is a way to do this.

Select Services from the Tools menu and click the Add button. Select Outlook Address Book and click OK (You'll see a message telling that you'll have to restart Outlook). Click OK and log out of outlook and then restart outlook.

Activate the folder list (if it's not already showing), by selecting Folder List from the View menu. Right click on your contacts folder and select Properties. Click the tab called Outlook Address Book and check the box which says 'Show this folder as an e-mail address book.

That's it - your contacts can now be used in the same way as any other email address.

How can I view between 2 and 9 days at once

View 2-9 days at once in Outlook (97/98/2000/XP)

To view between 2 and nine days at once in Outlook, hold down the Alt key and press the 2 key (for 3 days press 3, for 4 days press 4 etc).

How can I go to the same day in the rpevious week

Go to the same day in the previous week in Outlook (97/98/2000/XP)

To go to the same day in the previous week in Outlook, hold down the Alt key and press the Up Arrow key.

How can I go to the first day of the current month

Go to the first day of the current month in Outlook (97/98/2000/XP)

To go to the first day of the current month in Outlook, hold down the Alt key and press the Page Up key.

How can I cretae a new task for a contact

Assign a task to a contact in Outlook (97/98/2000/XP)

To assign a task to a contact in Outlook, select the contact and choose New Task for Contact from the Actions menu.

What is an appointment

What is an appointment in Outlook (97/98/2000/XP)

To use the calendar effectively in Outlook, it is important that you understand the difference between the three types of 'thing' you can enter into the calendar.

An appointment happens on a specific date at a specific time and requires your time. It may involve the time of other people, but they are not on the same email system as you.

How can I go to the first day of the current week

Go to the first day of the current week in Outlook (97/98/2000/XP)

To go to the first day of the current week in Outlook, hold down the Alt key and press Home.

How can I send an email with the keyboard?

Send emails quickly in Outlook (97/98/2000/XP)

When you've finished typing your email in Outlook, you can send it automatically from the keyboard.

Hold down Ctrl and press Enter.

How can I go to the last day of the current week

Go to the last day of the current week in Outlook (97/98/2000/XP)

To go to the last day of the current week in Outlook, hold down the Alt key and press the End key.

How can I switch to the monthly view

Switch to the monthly view in Outlook (97/98/2000/XP)

To switch to the monthly view in Outlook, hold down the Alt key and press the = (equals) key.

How can I access my contacts through the Address Book

Make your contacts available through the address book in Outlook (97/98/2000/XP)

To make your contacts available through the address book in Outlook, follow these steps (it may seem a little complicated, but you only have to do it once).

1) Select Services from the Tools menu
2) Click the Add button
3) Select Outlook Address Book from the list and click OK (a message appears telling you that you need to restart Outlook for the changes to take effect)
4) Click OK and close Outlook (make sure that no part of Outlook is open such as a Note or email)
5) Open Outlook again
6) In the folder list (if this is not visible, select Folder List from the View menu) right click on the contacts folder
7) Choose properties and select the Outlook Address Book tab at the top of the dialog box
8) Click in the box which says Show This Folder As An Email Address Book and click OK

Now your contacts will be available through the address book and can be used in exactly the same way as any other email address. To test this, go to the address book from your inbox and select Show Names From The. You will see the Outlook Address Book with your contacts folder inside it.

How can I see three days at once

Show three days at once in Outlook (97/98/2000/XP)

Once you've mastered the 1, 7 and 31 day views in Outlook, it's easy to sit back and relax, but you can look at any number of days that you want to.

If you want to see three days at once, drag over those in the calendar section (to the right in either the 1 or 7 day sections) and they will appear. However many days you select, that is what will appear.

How can I add a contact´s birthday to the calendar

Add birthdays to your calendar in Outlook (97/98/2000/XP)

If you add a birthday (or anniversary) to a contact, Outlook will automatically add that to your calendar as an Event.

To add a birthday, open your contact and click on the Details tab. You will see a drop down list by the side of the Birthday section which allows you to select the required date.

How can I accept a task request quickly

Accept a task from the keyboard in Outlook (97/98/2000/XP)

To automatically accept a task from the keyboard in Outlook, hold down the Alt key and press C.

How can I switch to the weekly view

Switch to the weekly view in Outlook (97/98/2000/XP)

To switch to the Weekly view in Outlook, hold down the Alt key and press -(hyphen).

Can I choose the days that I view in the Calendar?

View the days you want to view in Outlook (97/98/2000/XP)

Ever wanted to view something other than the standard one day, seven days or 31 days in the calendar in Outlook?

You can view whatever you want by selecting it in the mini-calendar on the right hand side. To select consecutive days, either click and drag, or click on the first date, hold down shift and click one the last date. To select non-consecutive days, click on the first day, hold down ctrl and press the next day and so on.

Whatever you select will appear in the Calendar window.

How can I go to the same day in the next week

Go to the same day in the next week in Outlook (97/98/2000/XP)

To go to the same day in the next week in Outlook, hold down the Alt key and press the Down Arrow key.

How can I view 10 days at once

View 10 days at once in Outlook (97/98/2000/XP)

To view 10 days at once in Outlook, hold down the Alt key and press 0 (zero).

How can I access different views quickly?

Speed up access to different views in Outlook (97/98/2000/XP)

If you regularly use the View, Current View commands in Outlook to sort and organise the contents of the current folder, then adding a toolbar might just save you some time.

The advanced toolbar (View, Toolbars, Advanced) has a drop down list which allows you to select views directly and therefore miss out the View, Current View steps.

How can I mark an email as unread

Mark an email as unread in Outlook (97/98/2000/XP)

It's quite common to start reading an email in Outlook, only to run out of time or to be interrupted.

In this situation, it's really useful to be able to mark the email as unread so that you remember to go back to it.

To do this, just right click the email in the message window and select Mark As Unread.

How can I go to the last day of the current month

Go to the last day of the current month in Outlook (97/98/2000/XP)

To go to the last day of the current month in Outlook, hold down the Alt key and press the Page Down key.

What does the red wavy line under the email address mean?

What the red wavy line means in the To box in Outlook (97/98/2000/XP)

If you type a name into the To: box of an email in Outlook, you may sometimes see a wavy red line appear underneath it when you move to the next field.

The line means that Outlook has more than one person which that name could refer to and it needs your help.

If you Right Click on the name, then it will present you with a list of names. You simply choose the one you want to send it to (or create a new one if neither of the selections meet your requirements).

If you ignore the line, then Outlook will prompt you for a decision when you press Send.

How can I view non-adjacent days together

Select non-adjacent days in Outlook (97/98/2000/XP)

You can view any number of days at once in Outlook and they don't have to be next to each other.

To show the 1st, 7th and 11th of the month, click on the 1st, then hold down the Ctrl key and click on the 7th and 11th.

How can I switch to show 1 day at a time

View one day at a time in Outlook (97/98/2000/XP)

To view one day at a time in Outlook, hold down the Alt key and press the 1 key.

How can I add the contents of a note to an email

Add the contents of a note to an email in Outlook (97/98/2000/XP)

To add the contents of a note to a new email in Outlook, click and drag the note onto the inbox.

A new email opens up which contains the text of the note.

How can I mark an email as read

Mark an email as read in Outlook (97/98/2000/XP)

It's sometimes useful to mark an email as read in Outlook, even if you haven't read it.

To do this, right click the message in the message window and choose Mark As Read.

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