Software Frequently Asked Questions

Are styles important

How can I select a sentence?

How can I open a link in a new window?

How can I open the Print Preview window

How can I centre a paragraph from the keyboard

What does the red wavy line under the email address mean?

How can I activate AutoSum from the keyboard?

How can I insert a comment into an Excel cell?

How can I format my chart?

How can I remove an object from a selection set in AutoCad?

How can I activate the formula palette?

How can I speed up typing web addresses?

How can I switch between multiple open drawings in AutoCad?

What does the F1 key do?

What does the Concatenate function do?

How can I add titles to my chart?

What does the ADDRESS function do?

How can I move to the end of a row of data?

How can I toggle between paper space and model space in AutoCad?

How can I convert hours and minutes into just minutes?

How can I select all the emails in my inbox

How can I alter a chart after Iīve created it?

What is the best way to send a link to a friend?

Should I learn to move around my word documents efficiently

What does the F3 key do?

How can I apply a standard date format?

How can I applya standard time format?

How can I add things to AutoCorrect?

Whatīs the quickest way to create a chart?

How can I draw a perfect circle?

Can I automatically apply formatting to cells based on their content?

How can I move to the end of a row or column?

How can I adjust the width of a column?

How can I copy Styles from an existing workbook?

Can I always use pie charts?

How can I get back to the start of my worksheet?

How can I select all the data in my table?

How can I select an entire worksheet?

What does the F11 key do?

How can I add a graphic to every slide?

How can I move to the last place I worked

How can I insert a new column?

How can I add gridlines to my chart?

How do I use the software tips site?

How can I get more than one line of text in a single cell?

Can I save my own custom charts?

How can I convert minutes into Hours, Minutes and Seconds

How can I select all of the data in a column with the keyboard?

How can I increase the font size with the keyboard?

Can I change the default chart type?

How can I quickly enter the current time?

How can I convert hours and minutes into minutes

How do I display more than one worksheet at the same time?

How can I select non-adjacent columns?

What does the F2 key do?

How can I chart non-adjacent data?

How can I get to the last cell in my table?

Can I modify the AutoFormat tool?

How can I delete a column?

What are the benefits of using styles

How can I show the formulas within each cell?

How can I get Excel to extend a numerical sequence?

What does the F7 key do?

Can I add things to AutoCorrect from the spellchecker?

What does the F5 key do?

Can I drag, drop and copy without overwriting existing cells?

How can I speed up data entry in Excel?

Should I change the default alignments in Excel?

How can I show exactly what each chart section represents?

What does the SUBSTITUTE function do?

What does the DOLLAR function do?

How can I display range names on my worksheet?

How can I insert a hyperlink?

How can I modify the formatting of a chart?

How can I see what my data will look like in a chart?

How can I drag, drop and copy in one move?

How can I email a contact

Is selecting text important?

How can I automatically create a summary slide?

How can I show my data in different ways?

What does the F10 key do?

What does the CLEAN function do?

How do I tell Excel Iīm entering a formula?

How can I quickly enter todays date?

How can I move to a different worksheet quickly?

How can I activate the paste function tool?

How can I go to the last place that I was working?

What does the TEXT function do?

How can I convert seconds into Horus, Minutes and Seconds

Should I listen to the voice

Whre can I get the Project 2000 Software Developers Kit

How can I speed up the time my system takes to boot?

How can I make my charts easy to print?

What does the F12 key do?

What does the F6 key do?

How can I paste a range name into a formula?

How can I get help with the structure of a formula?

How can I mark an email as unread

How can I apply a heading style with the keyboard

How can I convert minutes into Hours, Minutes and Seconds

How can I automatically extend a series?

How can I move cells with the mouse?

How can I incorporate my chart into another worksheet?

What does the F8 key do?

How can I quickly format a table?

How can I scroll through the worksheets in my workbook?

How can I insert a new task with the keyboard?

What does the CHAR function do?

How can I select an entire table?

How can I restore my original normal template?

What does the F9 key do?

How can I reposition the chart legend?

How can I show the data with my chart?

What does the EXACT function do?

How can I rename the chart tab?

What does the F4 key do?

What does the CODE function do?

How can I quickly add up some numbers?

How do I save time when formatting?

How can I show chart information without a legend?

How can I select sequential columns?

How can I move around a word at a time?

How can I reorder the sheets in my workbook?

What does the TRIM function do?

What does the PROPER function do?

How can I create a new slide for each bullet on an existing slide

How can I hide a slide

What does the REPT function do?

What does the RIGHT function do?

How can I select a line of text using just the keyboard?

What does the LEN function do?

How can I see the full list of styles

How can I quickly zoom in and out?

How can I select a word with the keyboard?

What does the UPPER function do?

How can I select an entire line of text with the mouse?

What does the VALUE function do?

How can I return to a full page view?

How can I select an entire column?

How can I select an entire row?

How can I insert a copy of a worksheet?

How can I apply a double underline to my selected text

What is a Style

How can I apply a style to selected text.

How can I apply a style to the active paragraph

How can I remove character formatting

How can I reactivate the pointer?

How can I quickly add a new slide

How do I make Word ask me for document properties?

How can I edit the active cell with the keyboard?

What does automatically update mean

What does Add To Template mean

How can I make changes throughout my document quickly

How can I modify a style using Format, Style.

What does the T function do?

What does the REPLACE function do?

Can I use autofill to the left and upwards too?

How can I select all of the text in a document?

How can I select a whole paragraph with the mouse?

How can I hide the mouse pointer and menu button?

How can I access my contacts through the address book?

What does the function LOWER do?

What does the MID function do?

How can I quickly make a cell reference absolute?

How can I modify a style

How can I convert hours into hours, minutes and seconds

How can I close all my open word documents at once

What does AutoCorrect do?

How can I speed up the use of AutoSum?

How can I insert a new row into a table

What does the FIND function do?

How can I apply the Normal style to the active paragraph

How can I add a contactīs birthday to the calendar

How can I switch to the monthly view

What does the LEFT function do?

How can I select an entire word with the mouse?

What does the SEARCH function do?

How can I send a letter to a contact

What does the FIXED function do?

How can I black (or white) the screen during my presentation?

How can I minimise the current window?

How can I activate the organize favorites dialog box

How can I continue a numbered list from a previous list?

How can I maximise the Windows Explorer?

How can I access different views quickly?

How can I see the HTML source code of a page?

How can I send an email with the keyboard?

How can I access my contacts through the Address Book

How can I stop my template opening in the Master view.

How do I work with long documents in the best way

How can I remove Slide Master graphics from a single slide?

How can I change the size of text in my browser?

How can I flatten a drawing in AutoCad?

How can I open IE at the page I want?

How can I open outlook in a maximised window?

How can I select sequential worksheets

How can I reset changes Iīve made to a toolbar

What do the header and footer codes mean?

How can I activate the format painter with the keyboard?

How can I change my homepage?

How can I paste from AutoCad without the background colour?

How can I change the case of my selected text

How can I move to the beginning of my Word document

How can I move to the first slide in a presentation in Slide Show view

How can I apply currency formatting

What is the maximum number of items in a pivot table report?

How can I add a comment to a slide

How can I switch between open presentations?

How many tasks can I have per project?

How can I enter a non-breaking space?

Can I choose the days that I view in the Calendar?

How can I ensure consistency within my presentation

How can I duplicate an object with the keyboard.

Do I need to set up Microsoft project before I start?

How can I mark an email as read

What is a style?

How can I convert hours into hours, minutes and seconds

How can I move backwards one slide or bullet point when in Slide Show

How can I move to the first slide in a presentation in Slide Show view

How can I go to the first day of the current month

How can I change the colour of clip art?

How can I jump to a specific slide?

How can I accept a task request quickly

How can I resize a table to fit the data within it?

How can I cretae a new task for a contact

How can I make a search engine search for a whole phrase

How can I jump to the Slide Show view

How can I make my presentation run automatically when itīs opened

Add additional resources to a task without decreasing the duration?

What is the quickest way to refresh the screen?

How can I add the time to a footer?

How can I add text to an Autoshape?

How can I add a site to my favourites

How can I access page setup from within Print Preview

How many predecessors and successors can I have for a task in Project?

How can I print without headers and footers?

How can I right click without a mouse?

Duplicate with the right mouse button

How can I add a table of contents

How can I move to the end of my document?

How can I save PowerPoint slides as Windows Metafiles?

How can I grab some extra screen space?

How many task dependencies can I set within a project file?

What does the F1 key do in MS Project?

How can I activate the Go To dialog box

How can I move forward one slide or bullet point in Slide Show view

How can I convert seconds into Horus, Minutes and Seconds

How can I apply a hidden text format to the selected text

What is the maximum resource units per assignment in MS Project?

How can I cerate text in a circular path in AutoCad?

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Susan Sayour